
The Army's new spy drone

Following the amazing success of the unmanned Predator, they are building another way to kill people without having to go near them. This next one can not only fly off to distant locales and blow them up, but it can actually take off and land automatically. Several points:

1. Given that this already exists in the movie Stealth, can't we just force our enemies to watch that? I promise they will feel very punished.

2. I think this sends the wrong message to the terrorists. I mean, if we don't care enough to blow the shit out of them in person, how can we expect them to understand that we're serious about the whole "please stop attacking us" thing?

3. Since I'm paying for it anyway, I would like them to develop a drone that will renew my drivers licence. Or pay my bills with money that it earns at a job that it automatically goes out and finds. Why don't dronesmiths ever consider MY needs?


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Jeff Mac said...

Thanks, actual people who aren't spam at all! I really appreciate your interest in my stupid blog.

I especially enjoyed your adorable anecdote about that a-hole spammer you had to deal with this week. Boy, what a drag!