
Dear Guy who got to my site by Googling "Darryl Hall 2005"

First, a little background -- in my web statistics, I can tell how the last 10 people to view my site got here (i.e. if you clicked here from the website of one of my friends who has put a link to me on their site, I can tell that's how you got here.)

I can't tell who is doing the clicking (unless your internet service provider has the word "Arkansas" or "Australia" in it, and then I have a pretty decent idea who you are!) The point is, I don't know who was Googling "Darryl Hall 2005."

So, to that guy or gal, if you ever come back:

Wow. I bet you were surprised, weren't you? And probably more than a little disappointed. Gosh, I know I am.


-Jeff "Neither Hall nor Oates" Mac


Anonymous said...

I just like to get to your blog by roundabout methods, to throw you off.

Next time, I won't admit to it, and I will enjoy the feeling of having unsettled you.


Anonymous said...

I'll do my best to bring more Arkansas traffic your way.

The "2005" is what makes the google entry so funny. Why is it important to have up to date Darryl Hall information?

Anonymous said...

"Why is it important to have up to date Darryl Hall information?"

I'll just pretend I didn't read this.


Jeff Mac said...

I have to agree with anonymous Dodge on this one. I mean, if you're going to look up Darryl Hall, you probably want the most updated information available. Not that his information has likely been updated in a long, long time. But you never know. You never know.

Ok, sometimes you know. But mostly not.

Anonymous said...

Breaking Daryl Hall 2005 News!!!

He had to cancel his summer tour with Oates due to his recent diagnosis of Lyme Disease! Say It Isn't So (It isn't so-o-o-o)!!!!
