
All-weather lovin'

I just saw a commercial for Bridgestone tires. Very sexy couples dance in the rain. Just then, a tire rolls by. I guess the idea is to get me all horny, and then show me a beautiful tire that I can buy.

I think (and correct me if I'm wrong here) that the problem here is this: tires aren't very sexy. It really doesn't matter what you do TO a tire or NEAR a tire, it's not going to make me want to hump. And even if it did, humping doesn't make me want to buy a tire.

Sorry, Bridgestone. I know sex sells, it just doesn't sell tires. I'll believe a lot of stupid shit (that show on FOX about how we never landed on the moon even had me going for a second there) but even I can't be convinced that a new set of radials will get me some action.

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