
Kissing Test on the Web!

I saw an ad on a website yesterday that puzzled me. And it is not easy to puzzle me. But this thing, I'm ashamed to admit, did the trick. I was puzzled. Real hard. I just want to thank my friends and family for their support, and to apologize to them for having been so puzzleable in this instance. I only hope that with their continued support I will find the strength to shut up about this and get on with the story.

The ad had a drawing of a woman and a drawing of a man, and you were supposed to click the one you wanted to kiss to begin a test on your kissing abilities.

I don't know what the test was (I didn't click it because I'm afraid of clicking on strange ads and getting cooties on my cookies.) Truly, I can't even imagine what it might be.

Do you compare different pictures of people kissing and pick the one that is demonstrating the best technique? Like an eye test - "Ok first one, or second one? Better...or worse? More tongue, less," and so forth.

Do you click on different areas of the face to indicate where you would kiss, and it gives you feedback like, "While the nostril is a part of the face, it isn't generally considered a gigantic part of the whole kissing thing. Try again!"

I'm pretty sure about one thing. If you believe that someone can tell you about your kissing ability via the internet, you might not be that good of a kisser. There are probably at least a couple of important things about which you are mistaken.


Amy Pacheco said...

yeah i'd tried this once. you actually make out with the computer screen. some kind of sensory thing. i wouldn't suggest doing it at any of those internet cafes though. sure way to get herpes. oh yeah.

AFM said...

enough with the kissy face, when are we getting an American Top Model Commentary?