
Happy Good Friday!!!

Hello, gentle readers. I just wanted to wish you all a very happy Good Friday. Although, you have to wonder how Jesus would feel about that name when you consider that it's the day he got nailed to something. Even though he was doing it to be nice, I just think that he might prefer that we call it something like, Surprisingly Painful Means-to-an-End Friday, or something. Just give a little nod to the fact that it wasn't all that good of a Friday.

I still haven't seen Passion of the Christ, nor will I probably ever, but I did see Braveheart and Lethal Weapon, and if they are any indication of what Jesus went through, well then Christianity is way more exciting than I was led to believe.


LORMO said...

How about Good Friday for Everyone but Jesus?

I saw Passion of the Christ. It's a lot like Braveheart but no accent and more violent.

Actually, it's more like Lethal Weapon II.

Anonymous said...

Why "Good" Friday? Consider this. True story. When the Vikings discovered a huge landmass full of Ice and Tundra they were at a loss for how to sell it to the folks back home. "They were like Iceland didn't attract many settlers and this is even worse." "Hey I've got an idea. Let's call it Greenland"
So I think God the father made the following salespitch-
Hey, Jesus why don't you head to Jerusalem this weekend. I don't know about Saturday and Sunday but I can promise people will talk for thousands of years about you having a Good Friday."

Anonymous said...

"Surprisingly-painful-means-to-an-end- Friday"- might be funniest thing I've ever heard. Just saying.