
A strange place to be.

Ok, I think that finally, after 12 years, I am a real New Yorker.

I was on the subway platform with my girlfriend, and we were watching a giant rat try to jump up into a little hole in the wall. He was having a hell of a time, and we were pretty sure he wasn't going to make it. And the train was coming. As the train got nearer, he started trying harder and harder, but still wasn't able to get there. Just as the train was about to flatten the little guy, he made one last effort and disappeared into the hole, safe. We cheered.

We actually cheered for a rat. I know that I will never be a REAL real New Yorker, and that I'll always be one cool piece of New York information short to really qualify. I get that. But I think I made a significant step. I think that maybe after you've lived here long enough, you realize that (to New York City) you are on exactly the same level as a rat.


sarahfisch said...

AWESOME. I seriously wish that had happened to me.
Also, rats are totally root-for-able. Back when I lived on the LES, I used to have to sit on my front stoop to use the phone, and there wwas a storefront next door whose sliding metal door was always rolled down by about 5 pm, and rats would go in and out under the door all evening. And I'd watch them poke their faces out under the door and, like, ASSESS me. They'd make EYE CONTACT. Like, all, "If I come running out of here and around the side of the garbage can, are you gonna fuck with me or what?"

LORMO said...

Rats creep me out, yet excite me a little bit.

I am not a New Yorker.

Mostly, they creep me out.