
Dear Star Wars (part deux)

Well, thanks for nothing, Star Wars. I have not received a ticket to any special sneak preview or premieres of you, forcing me to purchase my ticket like a chump. Well, if I am completely honest, someone else bought the tickets and had an extra one, so I didn't really do much work at all to see you. I didn't even know I was going until this morning. Regardless, I'm seeing you tonight at midnight.

Wait a second, Star Wars. Maybe that's why you didn't give me a premiere pass -- because I didn't prove my love for you in actions, only empty words. Just like the old proverb says, Star Wars helps those who help themselves.

I've been a fool, Star Wars. Once again, you have become my teacher. You magnificent bastard, I could never stay mad at you. See you tonight!

-Jeff Mac

P.S. If Jar Jar Binks bites the dust, I'd suggest leaving about 2 minutes of relatively unimportant action to follow that sequence. People are going to want to cheer and stuff.

P.P.S. I promise to make fun of people in costumes really hard, but only in my mind. No sense getting your ass kicked by an uber-nerd dressed like a wookie. That's the kind of thing that could haunt a person.


AFM said...

If you post a word about it I will murder you so fast...

I'm not seeing it til later this weekend with my son.:)

LORMO said...

So was it good?

He can say if it was good or not without getting murdered, right Marsha?

God I hope Jar Jar is killed.