
Bless me Blogger, for I have sinned.

It has been one week since my last Blog entry. Here's what you missed.
  • I got almost nothing done as a direct result of reading a book entiled, "Getting Things Done."
  • I ate 4 or 5 child-sized corn muffins. Call it five. And by "child-sized" I don't mean "sized for a child." I mean, "the size of a child."
  • I thought about doing a lot of stuff. And BIG stuff. I mean, I thought about doing some stuff that would have changed all of us forever. Yeah. One of these days I'm gonna get around to actually doing that stuff. I just have to finish reading that "Getting Things Done" book so I can get to the chapter where it tells me to do it.
  • I watched the same rerun of "Celebrity Poker Showdown" at least three times. (If you're wondering, it was the championship round between Colin Quinn, Bonnie Hunt, Brad Garrett, Jason Alexander, and Malcolm Jamal-Warner.)
  • I just lied to you guys about how many times I watched that episode. It was, I believe...well, let's leave it at 'more'.
  • I'm probably not done watching it, either, so get off my back.
  • I watched the season finales of 2 of my favorite shows, 24 and Alias. Woe, alas. Now I'm going to have to watch even shittier television.
  • I mentally made fun of Alias. Sacriledge. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. But when a girl's been a spy for 4 or 5 years, and her spy power is still limited to, "Get dressed sexy, give the bad guy a boner, kick him in the neck, steal secret doohickey from him," you'd think she might want to expand her spy repertoire.

I can't think of any more right now. But I apologize to you poor souls who checked here, only to find that I am exactly as lazy as I have always known myself to be. I promise to be floggin' the blog with far more blogularity.


Amy Pacheco said...

i used to love Alias. then it got way too predictable. you know which episode completely turned me off: the one where Syd and Vaughn went to suburbia...on a base...in Russia. for the love of god. but still, like the junkie i am, i will buy the whole season on DVD when it comes out. i can't help it. i love jennifer garner. even if she is harboring the spawn of ben affleck.

miss wendy said...

worth waiting for Jeff, and maybe it's not so bad if we don't get around to EVERYTHING .. as I have just sstated to my friend Ms S. on her blogg, Ashlegih Brilliant says "If I do everything today that is due to be done tomorrow, the last day of my life will be completely free".....and also.. do you think Hitler read that book.. Hell no!, he just got this great idea and off he went! .. so I, for one give thanks that my level of apathy derails lots of my 'great ideas'... love your work.