
A problem that I am unlikely to have...

I think the most stressful thing about commissioning a sculpture of yourself would be selecting a hairstyle that deserves to live forever.


sarahfisch said...

Jeff, would you go for one other than the one you have currently?

Jeff Mac said...

Well, no. Not that I'd have a choice. My hair is about as close as I'll ever get to having my very own sculpture.

But still, if I did have a sculpture of my head, I know I'd want to change the hair. Or at least fix it every once in a while.

Anonymous said...

I would think the hardist thing would be the pose. Am I an akimbo kind of guy? Well, somedays. Other days I'm more of a head in my hands, angsty sort of fellow. So I think I'd want my statue to be fully posable. Like a big GI Joe with my face. Who's gonna stop Cobra? Why this guy of course. At least as soon as he gets his head out of his hands.

Anonymous said...

I just realize I spelled hardest as if it were a religion. I was raised Southern Hardist but lately I've been thinking about Tibetan Hardism.