

If you find a penny and pick it up and you accidentally say "Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight," instead of "Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck," you will not only NOT have good luck, but you will also get lupus.

To counteract this, you must steal your neighbor's dishrag and bury it under a rock. This will also cure warts*.

*Unless the neighbor has warts, in which case this will cause warts.


LORMO said...

Jeff? Are you a witch?

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Jeff Mac said...

We prefer the term "warlock." And no.

Phantom of the Blog said...

oh my i had no idea! that is why i always have bad luck

AFM said...

write more now! need funny jeff mac to read!

chartreuse velour said...

i know it's taken me too long to answer this, but the episode where they have to do stand up is starlets, not ANTM. sorry to have gotten you all excited for nothing.

miss wendy said...

what if you shine the penny with the dishrag? What happens then, does the action have to rhyme?

If you found a penny here you'd have good luck 'cos they stopped minting them in the 1960's when we went decimal so it'd be a collector's item..