
Think about it

An old friend of mine recently told me that she thought I "think too much." Oh really? Gee, you figure? Do you honestly think I haven't thought about THAT? Of course I have -- I think too much! I can think about ten different things at any given moment. During a serious relationship talk, I can think about a sandwich I really like. And vice versa. It's like being ambidexterous, but without the burden of being considered cool or interesting.

Here's my little tip. If you know someone who thinks too much (and if you're reading this website, you know at least one such person) you don't need to tell him. It would be like saying to a drowning person, "You know what your problem is, is all that water that you keep putting into your lungs. It's really holding you back. Seriously, I think if you stop breathing the water, you're going to find a world of difference."


miss wendy said...

well, i am also one of those who think too much .. "Hello my name is Wendy and I think too much" perhaps we could start an online recovery group.. I figure acutally (after thinking about it) that perhaps it just evens out over the globe 'cos goodness knows there are those who don't think enough.. So RELAX it's all a mighty cosmic balancing see-saw... just don't slide off the end, )

Jeff Mac said...

I was thinking that "just don't slide off the end" was a quaint Australianism for "don't go crazy." Sort of like, "round the bend" or "over the lorry" or something. But there was a see-saw right in there to slide off the end of.

I don't think a support group would be such a good idea. If we all got together in a room, we would surely go right under the wallaby within minutes.