

Ok, I figured out the problem from the last post. Apparently a certain blog doesn't like it when you have 35 exclamation points in a title. Well, we're all back to normal now. And please, feel free to come on out and see some comedy. Don't leave me alone with the Norwegians. I'm feeling very vulnerable right now, and their stoic nordicism will shatter me like an ice sculpture of King Olaf. Of Sweden. Check and mate, my friends.


Amy Pacheco said...


miss wendy said...

Hey Amy - I was going for the effusive award.. no fair giving me this challenge you are just being too voluble, vosiferous, verbose, garrulous, loquacious and just plain 'miss have-a-chat'.. sorry Jeff, just couldn't get to your gig, my aquaplane was in for a service, )