
What the Fudge is Going on Around Here?

I was minding my own business, reading my own blog to check and see if I was still adorable (p.s. that's a big 10-4). And what did I see? The sidebar -- including my wonderful calendar -- is WAY down at the bottom of the screen. Why is this happening to me? Why, God? Is it because of the multivitamin? I haven't stolen any office supplies from my new office job yet. But I'll start. I swear I'll start. Just please, please put my lovely standup calendar back up where it belongs, and I promise I'll pretend to start believing in you. Amen.

And if you're looking for a reason WHY I want that sheeyot up here with you, the viewer, it's because I'm doing a couple of really fun shows this weekend. I'm hosting a show on Saturday night that makes me so afraid, I can't begin to describe it. You never know who is going to show up. Could be a great crowd. Could also be a table of 3 Norwegians sitting across from a family of Klanspeople from the Ozark mountains. You should all come on down and have fun with me.

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