
Notes from the bunker...

I'm writing this secretly from work. Or maybe I'm writing it from work, secretly. I leave the grammar and usage concerns to you, the public. I've got no time. Either way, it's a secret. And I'm not telling. Not anyone. Not even you, me bloggees.
Actually, this is a bit of a test. I'm testing out the process of e-mailing this directly to the blog. Normally a post such as this would be rife with hilarity, but this one is just a test. Rife, I says. Rife as holy hell. It really would be. Rife, I'm saying. I always wanted to have something of mine be rife with something else. I guess I'll have to settle for typing the word "rife" enough times that it loses all meaning. Rife. Yeah, I'm in no way convinced that's a word anymore.
Rifely Yours,
-the management


Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure this post is authentically rife. You may try to convince me by stuffing it full of rife, but I think it's still apparent that the rife is forced, not natural. You gotta let rife just *happen*, man.

sarahfisch said...

It's underrife.
You shoulda let it rifen.