
Mixed Emotions

Well, last night it was sort of autumnal here in NYC. On one hand, I was so happy that I almost peed and/or cried. Or cried tears of pee. I was pretty happy about it. NYC summers are best described by this quote from my good friend, Sarah Fisch:

"Summer makes me want to kill myself and all of y'all."
Amen, sister.

But on the other hand, the ending of that hellbender of a summer sort of blows my little fantasy that the earth is about to crash into the sun, rendering my credit card debt null and void. And right before we were all destroyed, I would sentence 3 space criminals to a weird flying mirror, and then send my only son to a distant planet where he would save people and wear tights and things.

I think I like that idea because it would be such an ingenious way to avoid having to raise a child without coming across as selfish.


sarahfisch said...

Dude, where'd that fuckin autumnal weather go, anyhow? I just bought new corduroy pants! And nobody wants to get killed by somebody wearing corduroy!

Jeff Mac said...

Dude, I'm so with you. The squash soup I'm stubbornly making right now had better still be good in January when it's actually friggin' cold.