
Happy Birthday, Blog!!!

Well, I just checked and it's my Blog's birthday! Aww...uh...I don't know what you say about a one-year-old. Not, "they grow up so fast" I don't think. Too early. And if I had an actual one-year-old I would be more likely to think something like, "Uh, when is this thing going to grow UP already?" Or, "So...are we 100% sure this kid is mine?" That and, "I wonder how hard it is to fake one's own death..."


I'm not saying that all children are little a-holes. But, like adults, I'd bet you that most of them are. I know I was one. And I'm awesome. Can you imagine how much crappier it gets than me? And I was an infuriating child.


Anywhoo, I just want to say that I appreciate all of you coming out and reading this bizarre compendium of nonsensia to the tune of almost 8,000 times. Considering the fact that I am lazy and don't really advertise even to my friends, that's so cool of you all to stop by. And to that one person in Finland, thanks to you especially. I can't imagine that I addressed your needs, but I'll do what I can.


In my second year as a blogger, I promise to be as lazy and shiftless as I was last year. I will try to make more references to doctors popping out of sandwiches and punching the sandwich eaters in the crotch. I will fail, but I will try. And I will continue to mean well.


I love you all.




Adam807 said...

Long-time lurker, first-time commenter -- Happy Bloggiversary!

Jeff Mac said...

Hey Adam, thanks for lurking by!