
Holiday Crap

I'm not even being metaphorical. I would like to talk about dung and/or manure around the Christian holy days. I hadn't intended to, but as soon as I wrote that subject heading, it's all I could think about. And it occurs to me that I NEVER get to talk about that stuff. Almost never. It just doesn't come up. I blame the people with whom I converse. What, you people can't bring it up even once? Like:
"Hey, where are you spending Christmas? Will you be near any poo?"
"Boy, I hope my grandmother doesn't make that pecan pie like she did last year. it was delicious, but it was just too heavy. And also, what are your thoughts on manure during this yuletide?"
I don't think it's too much to ask, folks. It's called common courtesy. Look it up.

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