
Karl Rove was not indicted for leaking!

I don't understand how that's possible. He certainly LOOKS guilty. No good person looks like that, I promise you. I wonder if it's because the word "indicted" is pronounced in-DITE-ed, but it's spelled with that total freakout of a C in the middle there. I've always found that C to be more than a little disturbing. What does that C know that it isn't telling us? I'm guessing absolutely nothing, but who can be sure?  Knowing Karl Rove, I'll bet he used that to his advantage. Dirty bastard.
Oh great. Now I'm going to face attack ads engineered by Karl Rove for calling him a dirty bastard. And YOU'RE going to be sued just for reading about it. I'm not being paranoid here, people. It happens. Happens every day. Some days it happens thrice. Yeah. I said it. I said "thrice." I figure if I've got the NSA crawling up into my crawlspace, I might as well go the whole 9 yards with it. Oh and I just want you to know that I fully understand that football reference that I just made. Well, actually I don't. You have to go ten yards before anything really good happens in football (if even then.) So I don't know why we are told to be so impressed by going the whole 9. It's a scam people. Wake up! Wake up! Arise and fight!
What is this post about, people? It's about a need to type things, my babies. Sometimes I post things, and sometimes my fingers do it for me. Either way, you come out a winner. And I come out a loser. I thank you and good night. If it isn't nighttime when you read this, just wait awhile. It'll happen. Mark my words.
I'm So Bored at Work, I'm Considering Peeing My Pants Just for the Scandal

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