
A Brush With Lame!

I was walking to work this morning, whistling, skipping, saying hello to little children and playing hopscotch/stickball/jumping rope with them as I passed, thanking my lucky stars that in this cold, cruel universe, I have somewhere to go where everyone knows my name. And expects me to do things at their bidding or else they won't give me money. You know -- the usual.
Anyway, I saw a face that I recognized, and my mental filing system went to work to figure out who it was. Is that...it's Jose Ferrer, right? No, he didn't look like that even before he stopped being alive. Miguel Ferrer? No, that's the first guy's son. Alive, so we're getting warmer, but still doesn't look like this guy. And even if I'm sure his name is Ferrer, I can't imagine why Miguel Ferrer would get reconstructive surgery to look like this dude. (Then again, I did just see some of the movie "Stephen King's The Night Flier" on cable. Not so good. But that's not HIS fault, god damn it. )
Then the sad truth occurred to me. This was the Ferrer who ran for mayor a few years ago. I think. Freddy Ferrer? Sigh. And as I walked along, I stopped the whistling and the whole bit and just stood on the street corner and wept bitter tears, longing for a better Ferrer sighting where no better Ferrer sighting existed. And by that, I mean that I came into work, made some green tea, and started working. And by THAT I mean, I came and wrote this to you. Also, I didn't "make" the green tea. It was pretty much already there in a little bag.
I think having a job is doing things to my brains. I don't know how people do this shit year in and year out, I have to tell you.


miss wendy said...

Hey Mac (Mr).. singing, skipping, crying... someone forgot their medication this morning.. )

Jeff Mac said...

Well, either that or he REMEMBERED to take some.

miss wendy said...

and will we ever know (or care!!)

miss wendy said...

woops that comment sounded funny in my head but looks a little mean in print today ... so of course I care ;).. your blogg is a bright spot in my busy day.. been out and about today presenting to clubs about responsible gambling- check up at the doctor and therapy... busy, busy,busy.. obviously the therapy isn't working too well- )

Jeff Mac said...

No worries, Miss W. No offense taken whatsoever! Responsible gambling? Isn't that like "jumbo shrimp."

miss wendy said...

yup that's it... it's taken me awhile - even with my natural tangental bent on life to make a connection but... lambs gamble.. not shrimp although may be jumbo shrimp gamble from time to time.. yup so I go out to clubs where lambs are gambling (that's like in 'silence of the ...) and suggest that they do so in a responsible manner - not too much leaping about and bumping into one another .. perhaps that's gamboling..
anyway .. I think we call shrimp - prawns.. shellfish right? They look like the letter C and you take their tails and heads off (and the digestive tract if youare squeamish) ..and then cook and eat them..
then you can say "bung another prawn on the barbie love" or " don't come the raw prawn with me" - that means don't get fresh or cheeky.. anyway enough, enough ... stop me I'm gambling ...I mean rambling..

Jeff Mac said...

Yep, shrimp and prawn are the same little delicacies, I think. Or at least close cousins. (Prawns might be a little bigger, if I'm not mistaken.)

I love the "raw prawn" line. Reminds me of a Kirsty MacColl song, "Don't Come the Cowboy With Me, Sonny Jim."