Dear Guy With the Sweat Problem Part 2 (An Apology)
Lost (mmm...not really)
- What was that big, bright ball in the sky that came out during the daytime and then at night -- EVERY night -- went away?! (note: seemed almost "warm", less so when hid behind white puffy things.)
- I must have missed the episode where they explained why the plane that crashed was filled almost exclusively with attractive people. Probably a total conspiracy.
- After months on an island, how is the fat guy still fat?
I'm sure that I have more questions, but my mind is just too blown to even know what they are.
The Da Vinci Code Diet!!
- Every time you feel hungry, just take a moment and think how the Catholic church feels about this book and movie. Imagine that you are eating their anger and fear. See how full you feel?
- If you are a devout Catholic, refrain from eating anything but communion wafers. You will feel thinner and holier almost immediately!
- Begin reading "The Da Vinci Code." Refuse to eat just until you're done with the chapter you're on. Once you finish the chapter, the cliffhanger ending will keep you reading until you pass out from malnutrition. When you wake up in the hospital, you'll have those washboard abs that you've always dreamed of.
- Eat the book. (Be sure to remove the cover because it is always the fattiest part of a book.)
Open Letters to NYC
Look, I know it's lousy for you. I'm sure of it. But if, when you stand up, the back of your seat looks like the outside of a glass of iced tea on a hot summer day, give it a little wipe. Just to let us know that you only sweat like an animal but are, in fact, a human yourself.
Desiring of Dryness in Brooklyn
Dear Father of Small Child,
Please don't bring that tiny person with you during rush hour. It defeats the whole purpose of naming it that. Now, I'm not saying I blame your child for missing that train. I don't. I blame YOU. Just because you made a decision that affects your schedule, please keep that poop machine away from the rest of us until it can run down the stairs.
Childless and Giddy About It
and finally....
Dear Lady Cop on the Train,
Thank you for slamming the holster for your sidearm into my crotch as you went by. While I am not a criminal, I feel that you have helped me to understand what it might be like to BE one for a second. Any thoughts of turning to a life of crime are now as gone as the feeling that my balls are intact. Thanks!
With Gratitude,
Gelded and Chastened
Moving Day!
- The new spot is on a fault line and I, like a dog, can predict that there will be an earthquake in this section of the room.
My bed is now directly over an old indian burial ground, and I'm sensing the restless dead beneath me.
- My sheets are made of iron, and the shift in compass direction is making me nauseous.
I have an irrational fear that I will roll over and out of the window.
- I have an irrational JOY that I will roll over and out of the window, and I can't sleep from all the excitement.
I'm sure that it's either one of these things, or it's something different. That much is clear.
Some Restrictions May Apply
A Face To Die For: The Jeff Mac Not Blogging Story - a LifeTime Original Blog Entry
George Clooney Speaks Out on Darfur!
George, I don't know if you're reading this right now. (Of course you are. I can't imagine what you could possibly have to do with all of your time besides read this blog.) But if you are out there, listen to me very carefully before you take up another humanitarian cause with passion and integrity. The women of the world? They surrender, ok? You don't have to keep out-wonderfuling yourself. THEY WILL HAVE SEX WITH YOU. Please leave some for everybody else.
A Selfish Dude Who You are Clearly Better Than*
*Or, if you prefer, "A Selfish Dude Than Whom You are Clearly Better."