
Erin go Br--ohwillyoupleaseshutthehellup?

I was walking through midtown today, wishing I had superpowers and a bag of priceless diamonds, when I came across a giant crew of fratfolk, already drunk by noon, screaming at the tops of their lungs and jump-hugging one another. I was amazed at the sheer optimism that they were going to have THAT good a time just because it's St. Patrick's Day.
News flash: You're still, you know, YOU. You're just wearing more green than you usually do while sitting around getting hammered with your moron friends. And that little dude who no one ever pays any attention to is now being ignored while wearing a green Cat-in-the-Hat hat. We're not exactly through the looking glass, people.
Good luck to you, drunkies. I really hope you have as much fun as you seem to think you're going to. But unless you bump into Willy Wonka or Carmen Electra, my confidence is low. I'm thinking that it's just going to be more barfing and slut-hopping, but with a charming Irish brogue.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff Mac, i saw you today in midtown, i was with some buddies o'mine so i didn't get to say "Hi!". Anyway, seeing you reminded me of you so i thought i'd get to your blog to see if there are any new posts, i can't wait to read'em all, i'm off to do that right now. I'm SO wasted!PARTY!!!!

Vinny McFallon

Jeff Mac said...

Thanks for staggering by, Fallon. And I hope your people's high holy days are treating you well.

I've always wondered -- what the hell kind of an Irish name is Vinny, anyway?

Anonymous said...

Yes Mister Mac i'll have you know that Vincent is an Irish name, i was named after my grandfather and uncle and i'm incredibly proud of my Irish hertiage. Or, my Mom banged an Italian guy too and she was just hedging her bets. Either way, time for a little hair 'o the dog.

By the way, after your Comedy central debut goes well, be prepared for me to do some coat tail riding, be very prepared! Congrats on that by the way.

LORMO said...

Fuck off, Fallon!

Jeff Mac's coat tails are MINE.

There is not enough room on here for both of us.