

I noticed recently that movie warnings are more specific than they used to be. I think it was when I saw a preview for a vampire movie that was rated R due to, among other things, "Vampire Violence." Seriously.

Only in America do parents need more information than 'Violence' to decide whether or not to bring the kids. "Welllll, what KIND of violence? In our house, we allow the kids to see around eleven types. We only forbid them to watch squirrel violence, ice cream man violence, and Frankenstein violence. Which kind does your movie provide?"

And with the sex and nudity, it's all very vague. 'Mild' Sexual Content or 'Strong' Sexual Content. Or 'Extra Crispy'. And with Nudity, it's not even that much. Just 'Brief' or...regular? Which is nowhere NEAR specific enough for me. If I'm going to have to look at Harvey Keitel's balls, I'm going to need a few minutes to clear some headspace for that image. I can't be going in thinking Hollywood Nudity and getting Beloved But Out Of Shape Character Actor From The Days Of Yore Nudity. That's not good for you.

And finally, there's "Adult Situations." Given that the above two are already accounted for, I'm not sure what's left. I guess it's basically just saying, "Look, this isn't for children, and we're not really sure why." But what could it be? Gratuitous shots of someone saving a receipt for tax purposes? Or maybe just someone going, "You know, this bar soap is just messy. I think I'm going to get squirt-bottle handsoap." That, my friends, is an Adult Situation.


miss wendy said...

Hey Mr Mac,
I have often had similar thoughts about the 'adult' thing and have often thought as I drive around and notice yet another 'adult shop' how delightful it would be to be able to go into one of those shops and acutally BUY an adult.. Also though congratulations on the big appearance. Unhappily Brisbane probalby won't be showing it - alhtough we do get so much American TV it is a possibility. Instead, I will just be sitting about thinking about how lucky we are that our president (oops, I mean prime minister) and your president are such good buddies.

And just fyi this city is on level 3 water restrictions - just to keep you up to date with the real issues- that means no watering except with a bucket - no hoses- nope, absolutely no hoses... if we go to level 4 restrictions it will mean absolutley no outside watering-

so as has been said about Australia, "It's dryer than a dead dingo's donga" down (only geographically) here.

Jeff Mac said...

It's not that dry here, Miss W. In New York City, it is considerably more humid than a dead dingo's donga.

miss wendy said...

Hey Mr Mac, yup humidity.. we can talk humidity.. 90% at least here in summer but it's winter ( as I sit here in my short sleeve top- but I do have socks on!) .. so we do have humidity in common. I think I did mention that I have met a couple of people from New York- One woman (in Perth Western Australia) I nannied for her - looked after her children while she wrote a book on child raising. The other one is a guy I shared a house with here in Brisbane- he's a jewish guy who grew up in New York and then moved to Miami prior to coming over here to manage a restaurant. He's lovely. Anyway hope the feedback/work? from the show is good