
Tonight! Me! On Television! You LIKE Television!

Hey everybody,

Just a reminder that tonight at 11pm E.S.T. you can see me from the comfort of your own home on Comedy Central. You can sit on your couch, eat Kraft macaroni and cheese, you can smear ice cream all over the back of your neck in an effort to keep cool if you want to. Hey, it's your house. I'm certainly not going to judge you. I've lived alone long enough to know that the things one does in the privacy of their own home are, while shameful, nobody's bidness but their own. The important thing is that you look at moving pictures of me while you're doing it. Ok, I just got a little grossed out.

And I also wanted to say thanks to everybody who's been so supportive and awesome. And also to the people who have NOT been that way, but have made themselves easy to ignore. Either way, I come out a winner. Thanks, y'all. (Yeah, I went to college in North Carolina. What of it?)

See you on the other side,



Anonymous said...

Jeff, Good luck tonight. Well actually, a belated good luck this past March when the show was filmed. I guess I'm one of those unsupportive types although I have been supportive of your efforts since you were the Tin Man in that high school Wizard of Oz production. By the way, I have central AC, so there is no need for me to smear ice cream over the back of my neck. Thanks for the suggestion. Sincerely, Your cousin Randy

Anonymous said...

My friend and I just saw you on Comedy Central. Undercover Hitler was the hardest I've laughed all week. Great act, man.


Jeff Mac said...

Thank you, Randall. I hope you can see the influence the tinman had on my act.

And Kevin -- thanks for stopping by! Come on back anytime!