
Missiles that could reach Alaska!!!

Dear Mr. President,
If you don't stop North Korea, and I mean NOW, they will soon have the capability of nuking Alaska before you get the chance to petro-rape it. Consider yourself forewarned. Don't let that little freak to steal your thunder. Nobody trashes our Arctic until WE do, baby.
Someone who wouldn't have voted for you even if you were running against an old tire smeared with poo


miss wendy said...

fish pee, tyre with poo. I hear an inner child longing to meet Mr Freud ;-)

Jeff Mac said...

Oh, Miss W! Sometimes a cigar is just a phallic symbol. I mean...a cigar! (Why did I say that?)

miss wendy said...

would that be a bondi cigar ? (that is the name of an australian band... bondi is a suburb of Sydney.. that is the 'Bondi Cigars'
you say that as.. bond as in bondage and then 'I' as in myself-
you're a funny man Jeff Mac-