
Nuke Money is No Object!

North Korea says they made nuclear weapons, and are furious at allegations that they counterfeited money in order to pay for it. They not only want to get credit for making the bomb, but for being able to pay for it with their own money. God! Why doesn't anyone understand them?
You've got to respect them for that at least. I mean, everyone knows that a nuclear weapon hard-earned is a nuclear weapon cherished. I can only imagine that they are really going to take care of it. They won't leave it out in the rain or forget to clean it or anything.
They are going to bring it to bed with them every night. And before they go to sleep, they will kneel down at their bedside and pray, "God bless mama, and papa, and Stevie (even though he totally broke my glow-in-the-dark Milennium Falcon model), and my nuclear weapon. Please keep them all safe until I decide to hurl any or all of them at my enemies. Amen."


Anonymous said...

Geez...now I feel so stupid for buying my nuclear bomb with my Chase "World Domination" card (which, by the way, also earns me double the frequent flier miles every time I illegally finance a rebellion in a developing nation).

miss wendy said...

You are a funny man Jeff Mac.. ever thought of stand up ;)

Jeff Mac said...

Lisa, you should only nuke what you can afford. That's Suze Orman's next smash hit book.

And thanks, Miss W of Wagga Wagga!