
No Animal/Human Hybrids?!

So, our president wants to ban animal/human hybrid clones. First, no jetpacks and now this?
Hey listen, Mr. President. I know that this entry into the State of the Union was probably the result of some icky dreams after the Island of Dr. Moreau came up on your Netflix cue (finally!). But I hate to break it to you -- science is not that interesting. I know that important science is important. That's why it has that name. But you need a posterchild with a little razzmatazz.
Be honest, if you were at a party with the guy who cured cancer on one side, and the guy who grafted his son's head onto a chipmunk on the other, who are you going to talk to, seriously? And who's going to be doing all the really interesting drinking?
Just think about it, ok? I need entertainment, and a baby with tentacles, antlers, and eyeballs on stalks just might do the trick.

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