
See me on Comedy Central Tonight! Again!

Hello all!

Long time, no blog! Sorry I've been unable to write very often recently. In a way, I blame myself. As a consolation (to myself) I will now inform you of the triumphant re-airing of my episode of "Live at Gotham" on Comedy Central tonight (Monday, September 25th) at midnight. And again at 2:30am!

And before you tell me that tonight at midnight technically takes place "tomorrow," let me just say this: I don't need that crap from the likes of you. I really don't.


The management


Anonymous said...

you're effin' hilarious! undercover hitler... i'm doing that.

sarahfisch said...

Dude, as it happens, I had the TV on and just randomly caught you! I heard your voice, looked up, and there you were all famous and shit. I came here to tell you so. Tremendous performance, Jeff, really funny. I was so pleased, and laughed out loud (again) at U-Hit *and* God Hates "Homos."

Jesus, summarized like that, your act sounds downright sinister. It's a good thing you come off genial.

Jeff Mac said...

Fisch! Thanks so much for catching me on the TEEvee by accident!

And Anonymous, thanks so much for coming by and commenting! Although, please, tone down the cussin', would you?